Our Work
Desert Conservation
In addition to academic research, I have done applied conservation work in the Mojave Desert. That work was motivated by my love for desert ecosystems and a desire to broaden my perspective as a scientist. I gained valuable leadership and project management experience as well as opportunities to engage in outreach.

Managing Palisades Ranch Restoration Design
As the Director of Restoration & Research at MDLT, I managed the restoration planning project at Palisades Ranch. This property includes 3.7 miles of the Mojave River and supports numerous special status species. Learn more here.
Prairie Falcon Conservation Progam
During my time at MDLT, I established a Prairie Falcon Conservation Program to evaluate threats to eyries. This included leading a working group engaged in ongoing dialogue about Prairie Falcon conservation. Read more here.

Promoting Post-fire Joshua Tree Recovery
I designed a grant-funded study to test strategies for promoting Joshua tree recovery following a wildfire on MDLT land. The field experiment included planting, seeding, and weed management treatments.
Restoring Perennial Desert Springs
I managed a grant-funded project to restore perennial desert springs damaged by off-highway vehicles and grazing on MDLT property. The project included activities to restore vegetation, improve water quality, and monitor wildlife.